I'm a Research Associate at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian. My current work is inferring star and galaxy properties in the nearby and distant universe from their spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and appearance in images.
I help build generative physical models and use I use advanced statistical techniques to compare the models' predictions to piles of astronomical data obtained with big chunks of glass and metal in space.
I have worked as an astronomer and data analyst for 20 years, six of them in Cambridge, England and Paris, France. My experience includes operating ground-based telescopes in the US and Chile and working with data from several satellite telescopes, including Hubble, Galex, and Spitzer.
See some of my projects
I've worked on this software, and I hope you can use it. Mostly it's in Python.
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from sedpy import observate
filterlist = observate.load_filters(['sdss_u','sdss_i'])
mags = observate.getSED(wave, spec, filterlist)
plot([f.wave_effective for f in filterlist], mags)
...and more! See my github repos for some others.
Science research and otherwise ...